IANSA's Role in Disarmament
The International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) is a global coalition of over 800 NGOs working to promote the movement against gun...

Funding for Teachers vs. Funding for Guns
What would you want to be armed with? In the midst of all these horrid mass shootings, President Trump has stated that, as a solution, he...

The 2018 Preparatory Committee
This week, we at Nonviolence International New York will be participating in the UN Preparatory Committee and we wanted to explain a bit...

Why is the West Turning a Blind Eye Towards Yemen
As much of the western world turns its focus on U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to formally recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s...

Examining Synergies Between the UN POA, ATT and SDGs
As part of First Committee discussions, and in preparation for the 2018 Program of Action Review Conference, the permanent mission of...

Re-Examining the PoA
The United Nations First Committee on Disarmament and International Security is currently underway at the UN headquarters in New York....

The Second Amendment, Conservatives, and Irony
There has been a long debate on how we should interpret the Constitution; should we try to analyze the Constitution with the original...

Scrapping the Surplus: IANSA Side Event
On Tuesday, October 17, the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) held a panel at a side event for the First Committee of...

The 15th Anniversary of the Hague Code of Conduct
On Friday, October 13, the Permanent Mission of Poland to the United Nations hosted a panel to discuss the 15th anniversary of the Hague...

Rose Welsch Speaks at the First Committee
Today, Wednesday October 11, Rose Welsch delivered a speech to the First Committee of the 72nd General Assembly of the United Nations on...