Invisible Victims - The Lack of Recognition on Violence Against Older Women
Social media has changed the way people access and receive information all over the world, and this has caused many positive side...

A Glance at Mediators Beyond Borders International
Mediators Beyond Borders International (MBBI) works to “build local skills for peace and promote [conflict] mediation worldwide” by...

Age Demands Action: The Imperative Need of an International Convention on the Rights of Old People
The Open Ended Working Group on Ageing, established by the General Secretariat of the United Nations in 2010 via resolution 65/182 [1],...

An Introduction to Peacebuilding and Religion
Religious peacebuilding is generally defined as “community-oriented processes that are relationship-centered and participatory” [1]....

The Trump Administration: A Lesson on Inhumanity
On April 6, 2018, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the zero-tolerance policy, which separated approximately 2,000 migrant...

What to Look Out for After HLPF 2018: Secretary-General António Guterres’ Closing Remarks
On Wednesday, July 18, 2018, the Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres gave his closing remarks at the end of the High...

What is CoPN?
The first war in history is believed to have taken place in Egypt as early as 3,150 BCE when the Pharaoh Menes of the south conquered...

Culture of Peace Demands Tolerance but Trump Calls for ‘Zero Tolerance’
In 1999, the UN member-states unanimously adopted General Assembly Resolution 53/243 declaring the Programme of Action for a Culture of...

Nonviolence International in Ukraine
Why are we focusing on our Ukraine partners? Although there are several conflicts that have made the headlines recently, Ukraine has not...

Return of the Rohingya: A Lacking Agreement?
Since August of 2017, nearly 800,000 refugees have flooded southeastern Bangladesh, the vast majority of them ethnic Rohingya from...