A Glance at Mediators Beyond Borders International
Mediators Beyond Borders International (MBBI) works to “build local skills for peace and promote [conflict] mediation worldwide” by...

Age Demands Action: The Imperative Need of an International Convention on the Rights of Old People
The Open Ended Working Group on Ageing, established by the General Secretariat of the United Nations in 2010 via resolution 65/182 [1],...

The Shortcomings of SDGs and Possible Solutions
In the year 2000, the United Nations realized the need to better protect the Earth from both old and new challenges. There 8 Millennium...

An Introduction to Peacebuilding and Religion
Religious peacebuilding is generally defined as “community-oriented processes that are relationship-centered and participatory” [1]....

UN Member States Review their Progress on Cities
At the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015, all 193 UN member states adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable...

The 9th session of the Open Ended Working Group on Ageing: Outcome Document
The 9th session of the open-ended working group on ageing took place at the United Nations from July 23rd to July 26th, 2018 [1]. The...

What to Look Out for After HLPF 2018: Secretary-General António Guterres’ Closing Remarks
On Wednesday, July 18, 2018, the Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres gave his closing remarks at the end of the High...

A Look at the Past: HLPF 2017
Event Overview On July 9th the 2018 High-Level Political Forum commenced, lasting nine days and bringing together states, U.N. entities,...

My HLPF 2017, Reflections and Recognitions
Hectic and invigorating are the two choice words I would choose to describe my experience at the United Nation’s High Level Political...

Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies and the SDGs
At the core of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development is building peaceful, just, and inclusive societies. This is due to the fact...