Premonition of Danger: Martial Law in the Philippines
On Tuesday May 23rd, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte declared martial law over the southern Philippine island of Mindanao in...

Small Islands, Big Challenges: Roadblocks in the Path to a Sustainable Future
Small Island Developing States face unique challenges in their efforts toward sustainable development due to their geographic isolation, lim

“Five Awake” Lights a Fire
FIVE. If a gun is present in a domestic violence situation, that’s the number of times by which a woman’s risk of death is increased....

Why We Need a Leader Like Dag Hammarskjold Now More Than Ever
Dag also understood the ingrained unity within humankind, that despite the various religions that cover the earth, all people live by—and th

In Disarmament Negotiations, Women Matter
Women make up roughly half of the global population, yet they are disproportionately affected by small arms violence