The Difficult Struggle for Peace
Often, people think that we live in a world where there is either peace or absence of peace. In war-torn countries like Syria or...

A Look at the Past: HLPF 2017
Event Overview On July 9th the 2018 High-Level Political Forum commenced, lasting nine days and bringing together states, U.N. entities,...

From Cuba to China: The Anonymity of Technology as a Political Tool
The Presence of Sonic Sounds Abroad Reports of unknown sounds near the U.S. embassy in Havana, Cuba first arose in August 2017. The...

Social Justice Movements in Trump's America
During the past few years, the U.S. has seen an upsurge in the popularity of social justice movements. Spurred on by last year’s change of a

How a Violent Conflict Came to Be
Did you know that 10,900 people have been killed in the Ukraine between April 2014 and May 2017 [1]? That 1.6 million people have been...

How do we Reform Sustaining Peace?
On April 24, the Canadian and Nigerian Permanent Missions to the United Nations co-sponsored a side event for the UN General Assembly...

Organ Trafficking, Education, and War: Women and Their Plight for Sustainable Lives
Recently there was a case in Pakistan where women were tricked into giving their spinal fluid. According to BBC “The gang is thought to...

A Landmine Model for Peace
The word ‘landmine’ is often used in a metaphorical sense to mean an obstacle. For example, distrust between parties is often a landmine...

The Heinous Humanitarian Cost of Modern Warfare
International armed conflict has subtly shifted in modern times from interstate warfare to regionalized conflict. Whereas the two World...

Spirituality, Psychology, and the Eight Pillars of Peace
There is a large and vibrant international community dedicated to eliminating violence in all its forms. Just as the causes of violence...