How Guns Shift Conflict Towards Violence: Part 5
How We Can Move Forward It is my strongest hope and belief that we as a society can find some middle ground between protecting a...

How Guns Shift Conflict Towards Violence: Part 4
A Gun is a Destructive Tool I remember the first time I shot a gun. I was raised in Indiana, a traditionally conservative state where gun...

How Guns Shift Conflict Towards Violence: Part 3
Where the United States Fits in These conflicts are far greater in magnitude than the isolated gun violence we now see in the United...

How Guns Shift Conflict Towards Violence: Part 2
Guns Incendiary Effects on a Global Scale Due to their ease of use, transportation and concealment, yet astonishing lethality, modern...

How Guns Shift Conflict Towards Violence: Part 1
This past Sunday, the United States witnessed one of the most deadly and inexplicable mass shootings in history. A three day country...

International Gun Destruction Day: Scrap the Surplus!
Are you distressed by the global proliferation of guns? If so, you’re not alone. It is estimated there are approximately one billion guns...

In Disarmament Negotiations, Women Matter
Women make up roughly half of the global population, yet they are disproportionately affected by small arms violence

CSW The Interns Perspective
Between 13 - 24 March 2017 the sixty-first session of the Commission on the Status of Women was held at the United Nations Headquarters...

Presidential Artillery
This election season boasted some of the most-watched presidential debates in televised history[1]. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump...

Harmonizing Reporting for Global & Regional Conventional Arms Instrument
On June 9, 2016 the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and the United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs...