IANSA's Role in Disarmament
The International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) is a global coalition of over 800 NGOs working to promote the movement against gun violence resulting from the misuse of small arms and light weapons (SALW). IANSA is the leading representative of civil society in trying to implement the Program of Action (PoA) adopted unanimously by the UN member-states in 2001. Under the PoA, governments around the globe have agreed to review their national laws in regards to SALW, as well as enact better control regimes over the trade of these weapons internally and externally [1].
One way IANSA works to reduce the dangers posed by SALWs internationally is through the use of the International Tracing Instrument, or the ITI, which requires weapons to be properly marked so that they can be traced more efficiently, which is one of six components of the PoA [2]. The six components of the PoA are:
Marking - marking weapons with a registration number to help keep track of them.
Tracing - tracking their legal ownership and illegal possession.
Conversion - when they are obtained by criminals and terrorists for illegal possession and usage.
Repossession - gaining guns back from criminals and illegal usage.
Stockpiling - safe storage of excess, repossessed, and ownerless guns to keep them from criminals and from spontaneously exploding.
Destruction - permanent destruction of stockpiled weapons so they do not return to being used as a weapon.

Member states meet to discuss plans for RevCon3
Since 2001, all United Nations member states have agreed to implement the PoA in their respective countries. Then, every six years, member states have agreed to meet to make amendments to the PoA, at The Review Conferences (RevCon) at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. Preparatory meetings are held three months prior to RevCon to discuss the agenda and logistics of the conference [3]. At RevCon, representatives review the progress that their country has made in being able to prevent, combat, and eradicate the illicit trade and use of SALW. The effectiveness of the PoA and ITI are also analyzed, modernized, and either strengthened or weakened.

From PrepCom, Ambassador Brunet stands with members of civil society.
Following the preparatory meetings that took place in March, RevCon3 will take place from June 18 to June 29. Serving as President of RevCon3, UN Ambassador for France, Jean-Claude Brunet, has organized four main focuses for this year’s conference.
Recognize the threats posed by SALW on all aspects of the global community [4].
Strengthen the implementation of the PoA [5]
Ensure that existing policies address the unique concerns of specific vulnerable groups [6]
Prioritize concrete measures to combat the proliferation of SALW [7]
IANSA member-NGOs from all over the world work to eradicate the misuse of SALW through many different programs, both grassroot organizations and large international ones. These organizations include but are not limited to faith-based groups, public health organizations, and research institutes. IANSA members work to target gun violence caused by SALW through various means such as advocacy, research, campaigning, and policy development [8]. Although IANSA has taken countless effective approaches to reduce the proliferation and misuse of SALW, it is evident that there is an urgency for further improvements to the PoA, hence, the need for RevCon3.
For more information about RevCon3, follow @NonviolenceNY and @IANSAnetwork on Twitter.
[1] "About IANSA and IANSA Resources." IANSA. Accessed May 23, 2018. http://www.iansa.org/.
[2] "What Is RevCon3?" IANSA. Accessed May 23, 2018. http://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/bb4a5b_dbfc92151af546cfbe7fe1a8fa914c04.pdf.
[3] Ibid.
[4] 2018. Accessed May 23, 2018. http://tinyurl.com/y9joqp53.
[5] Ibid.
[6] Ibid.
[7] Ibid.
[8] 2006. Accessed May 29, 2018. http://www.un.org/events/smallarms2006/pdf/iansa%20intro.pdf